Clonanav Fly Fishing


Clonanav Fly Fishing

Media .

Clonanav Fly Fishing has been featured in many magazines over the years.  The River Suir is a very much written about river and considered to be one of the best trout streams in Europe!

Yellowdogs Jim Klug sits down with Andrew Ryan of Clonanav Fly Fishing to discuss the fly fishing opportunities in Ireland.

In part two of the Irish episodes, WAYPOINTS host Jim Klug talks with Andrew Ryan – an incredible guide, outfitter, and angler who owns and operates Clononav Fly Fishing in the southern part of Ireland. Andrew has been guiding in Ireland and in other international destinations for over 20 years, and he’s developed a reputation as one of the best casting instructors, anglers, and operators in all of Europe. Andrew has built a business, fly shop and outfitting company that could easily compete anywhere in the world, with top guides and a program that delivers exceptional fishing for wild brown trout as well as Atlantic Salmon. Andrew’s operation is an excellent option for those looking for a dedicated, legitimate, and extended fishing trip to Ireland that focuses on brown trout and salmon. This is also the best option in the entire country for anglers that want simply add on a day or two of quick fishing when in Ireland for business or a family trip.